Facebook Likely to be banned in INDIA
YES, you read it right. In what comes as a massive shock to more than 25 million Facebook users in India, the government has decided to ban the social networking website. If reports are to be believed, the historic decision will be implemented by the first week of July.
Minister for Communications and Information Technology, Kapil Sibal explained the decision at a late night press conference yesterday, “This Facebook thing has gone way out of control, much like the ‘Savita Bhabhi’ fiasco two years ago, when we had to ban that site. (Never mind the proxy servers, which still allow some of my colleagues to check it every now and then.) Coming back to Facebook, the reputation of all our esteemed ministers, most notably the Prime Minister and myself, is being torn to shreds with offensive status messages, obscene photoshopped images, and above all, totally fictitious articles on websites like News That Matters Not.
Though , Indian Govt. have decides thier own alternative with restricted sharing, so that less spam can be spreaded, As we all know that many of the ministers are corrupted and some people shared some inappropriate content against those ministers , and as the consequence Facebook is banned in INDIA...
Some of the other social networking websites could also be banned , though the name of those sites are not disclosed yet.
NOTE: you dont need to worry that facebook is banned in INDIA , coz there are many other alternatives by which you can use facebook in india.... so cheers :))))
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