2020 CanadianCIO Census: Employee well-being skyrockets to top of CIOs’ priority list
An IT leader at ITWC's First Virtual said that concerns about the increasing number of cyber attacks globally have led to concerns about the increasing number of businessmen globally, a clear change from one of the key priorities of last year in 2020 Has crossed. "CanadianCIO Round Table Conference."
But the human side is important. "Another CIO of the construction company agreed." Our focus now is on making sure people are healthy and connected.
"Based on 185 responses and 1 to 10 - On a priority scale between 10. - Employee welfare was the highest priority number with a priority score of 1.9, a 9. Dealing with a spike in a cyber attack came second with a priority score of 6.1. According to IDC Canada, Tracing and exposure notifications have been in the limelight with the app's exposure, with businesses increasingly moving towards digital thermometer checkpoints.
When it comes to employee contact tracing solutions, IDC Canada has "little outside of utilities, telecommunications and construction businesses Cites adoption.
"But it is unclear what technology solution is the ideal option to prevent further spread in the office, most employees have come to terms with the fact that working from home is their working life for the future Sixty-five percent of respondents Looking forward to work from home in a year from today.
A separate IDC Canada poll from June states that 43 percent of employees expect to work from home at least once a week, even after reworking their office.
The number does not change much if the road is hobbled at 46 percent within about six months. "I never want to go back to work in an office,"
Philip Johnston, the newly appointed president of the CIO Association, said in a recent interview. "I think technology-wise, we are ready to work remotely for success."
Johnston, who took over as MLA chief digital officer Hamza Tehrani for the outgoing president, says there is no question that remote work has to be improved in many ways - presenting strict security controls to 53 percent of respondents in this year's census Hai reform - but many remote workers are talked to, citing the feeling of being together even when they are working in sweat from home. "In some ways, there is an even greater connection between colleagues," Phillip said. "They know what's going on compared to them in the past."
According to survey results, remote teams are still managed for regular video meetings.
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